Saturday, April 20, 2019

Smart Water Management using IoT as a Mandatory Network

Abstract: This project presents an IoT system which helps to manage and plan the usage of water. This system can be easily installed and maintained for long run. The Ultrasonic sensor is placed on the tank which continuously monitors the water level in real time. This information will be updated in the cloud and user can analyze the amount of water. We have some more sensor like pH, Temperature Sensor, Ultrasonic module, and Turbidity Sensor. By using this sensor value, we calculate the continually and taking the data, analyze after any problem in the sensor value we will calculate to the water purity and sent the alert to the authorized person by using the IOT Technologies. We have the turbidity sensor and pH sensor by using this we got the sensor values, at last, we get the message.

Download Powerpoint Presentation Here 

  1. Arduino Mega
  2. Ethernet Shield
  3. Ultrasonic Sensor
  4. Turbidity Sensor 
  5. Thermocouple Max6675
  6. pH Sensor/Meter
  7. A LAN Connection

  1. Attach Ethernet Shield on the Arduino Mega Board.
  2. Ultrasonic Sensor: trigpin - pin 7, echopin.
  3. Turbidity Sensor: out pin - pin A1
  4. Thermocouple: soPin - pin4, csPin - pin5, sckPin - pin5.
  5. pH Meter Sensor: measuring pin - pin A0.
Note: Download library for Thermocouple from link below:


Check out the Video Below:


Project Details:
Project by: Vikram K. More Amravati,Maharashtra.
Project done @ImbueDesk Internship as IoT Engineer.
ImbueDesk UID: IOOC0303