Thursday, January 31, 2019

MicroController Based Power Supply Failure Alert System with GSM

Abstract: When power went out on your home or work place, it may harm the appliances or may ruin your things or stop your work. So here is the system to send an alert to the user about power outage through SMS and user should take required steps. We are using a Atmega328 micro-controller or one can use any of Arduino boards. We have created a 5v power supply and attached a switch to cut it. Micro-controller or Arduino will detect whether the power supply is connected or not. A GSM module is used to send and SMS to the registered user when power failure occurred. Let's see how the system works.

1. ATMEGA328 or Arduino (Any of Nano, Uno or Mega)
          I'm using ATMEGA328 micro-controller to detect the power cut in main power supply. the microcontroller board will need a separate power supply of 9v from a battery to work. instead you can use any of Arduino board.

2. SIM 900 GSM Module
          SIM900 GSM module is used to communicate with the user. A GSM module will send an SMS to the  user when micro controller trigger it.

3. Power Supply Circuit
          I have made a 5v power supply circuit which we are going to use as a main power supply. you can find hundreds of circuits on Internet to make. search for the power supply circuit on the internet, and make it.

Other Components:
9v Battery, Switch, some connecting cables, any 2G or 3G sim card (4G sim card will not work in this Gsm module).


Download Circuit Diagram here

Note: ATMEGA328 is also used on Arduino Uno board. so don't get confused in the connections. i have given pin numbers of Arduino Uno. You can find pin configuration of ATMEGA328 & Arduino Uno on the internet.

Download Arduino Code Here 

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