Sunday, December 2, 2018

IoT Based Air Pollution & Gas Sensor Values Detection

Abstract: In this project we are going to use MQ-02 Sensor module to to detect the values of smoke and LPG in the air. This sensor module utilizes an MQ-02 as the sensitive component and has a protection resistor and also adjustable resistor on board. The MQ-02 sensor is sensitive to LPG, i-butane, propane, methane, alcohol, hydrogen and smoke. The resistance of the sensor changes as the concentration of the gas changes.

Server: In this project, we are sending the reading of sensor to the Android Application through the Google Firebase Database. Firebase is a mobile and web development platform developed by Firebase, inc in 2011. The real time database shows the data in real time in app.

Firebase Database

MQ-02 Sensor: The protection resistor (4.7Kohms) and the adjustable (0-50Kohms) are in serial which forms a load resistor RL (4.7-54.7Kohms). The sensor’s resistance RS and RL forms a voltage divider. The output voltage on the signal pin could be read by Arduino or MCU via ADC.  Given a value of RL , Power Supply Voltage, and output voltage, RS could be derived.  Based on the chart provided in the MQ-2 datasheet, RS in clean air under given temperature and humidity is a constant,which is the “initial” resistance of the sensor named RO. RO of the resistor could be derived from RS. The main job of the calibration is to calculate the RO by sampling and averaging the readings when the module is placed in the clean air. Once the RO is derived, the concentration of target gas could be calculated by using the RS/RO ratio as the input. To achieve more accuracy, a segmented look-up table should be used. However, in the demonstration, a linear formula is used as an approximation to the original curve.

  1. NodeMCU
  2. BreadBoard
  3. MQ-02 Sensor
  4. USB Cable
  5. Connecting Wires  

  1. Connect Vcc of sensor to Vin of NodeMCU
  2. Connect GND to GND
  3. Connect A0 of sensor to A0 of NodeMCU

1. NodeMCU Code (Arduino IDE)
Download Code Here 

2. Android Application Code
Note: Check out 'PollutionDetector' module from project named 'Vprojetcs'
here is the link:

Check Out The Video:

Project Details:

Project by:
Vikram K. More

Project done @ImbueDesk Internship as IoT Engineer.

ImbueDesk UID:

Thursday, October 25, 2018

IoT Based Automatic College Bell & Messege Convener

The world over the decades has made considerable advancement in automation; automation is employed in every sector whether it is home or industry. Here a new and inexpensive design is being presented. This design finds a tremendous use at primary and secondary school levels as well as in colleges where the teaching sections can span over eight periods including breaks. The advantage of this design is that the bell rings at the start of each period without any human intervention to a great degree of accuracy and hence takes over the manual task of switching on/off the college bell with respect to time.
 The project uses LAN network to work. Both Hardware and the App should connected to the same Wifi network.

1. NodeMCU
2. 16x2 LED Display
3. Buzzer (for Bell)
4. Small Buzzer  (for display notification)

Software Required:
1. Arduino IDE
2. Android Studio

Android Application:
Click here to Download APK 

When the system starts, it connects to the wifi network as we hardcoded into the  NodeMCU. Then it fetches the time from the internet and start the clock.
Now open the app, and start setting timings in the app. once the timings are set, it will be sent to the NodeMCU over the local network.
  The NodeMCU then starts to match the received timings with the real time it is getting from the internet. when the values matches, it starts ringing bell for some time.
 Also from the 'Notice' section, we can send a String notice to the Display board that we used in the project.

See Working Here:


Present day ringing the bell in colleges or schools are carried out manually. The
main disadvantage of this is that one person has to be alert for this. At the same time during that time he could not be engage in another task. To overcome from this, we have decided to prepare the circuit which will be operated automatically and the ringing of bell will start by it's own time. the time input can be edited as per requirements. This circuit is simple to prepare and easy to install. We can say that it will be much useful for colleges or schools or other educational sectors.

 About Project:
Project Created By:
Vikram K. More
Gaurav S. Garudi   

'Bell' Application Developed By:
Vikram K. More

Thursday, October 11, 2018

NodeMCU Based Web Server With Attractive Web Page

A simple web server which works in a LAN. Uses a same WiFi to operate LEDs from a web page.

Powerpoint Presentation:
Click here to see Powerpoint Presentation of this project. 

  1.  NodeMCU
  2. Breadboard
  3. Connecting Wires
  4. Two LEDs


  1. Connect LED1 & LED2 to pins D1 & D2 of the NodeMCU respectively.
  2. Connect negative pins of LEDs to GND of NodeMCU.
  3. Upload the Code from Arduino IDE to NodeMCU.


Download Code Here

Check Out the Video:

Project Details:

Project by:
Vikram K. More

Project done @ImbueDesk Internship as IoT Engineer.

ImbueDesk UID: